Deleuze and two appropriations of the nietzschean dionysian for a thought without a subject
Deleuze. Nietzsche. Dionysian. Thought.Abstract
The aim of this article is to highlight and discuss two moments in which Deleuze appropriates the Nietzschean notion of Dionysian, to compose the program of a thought without image in opposition to the thought of representation.The first appropriation concerns the question of a new philosophical discourse in favor of individuations and singularities prior to the “subject form”. The second appropriation corresponds to the defense of an immanent thought, which occurs on the surface and does not resort to well-centered models. It is about verifying at which points Nietzsche's influence was decisive for Deleuze to compose a new thought in Difference and Repetition, highlighting the notions of individuation, singularity, difference and art.
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