Ichthyofauna in the floating area of the Maracajaú reefs: inventory and community structure


  • Caroline Vieira Feitosa Engenheira de Pesca graduada pela Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Daniel Alexandre Sampaio Pimenta Pesquisador do grupo de Ictiofauna Marinha Tropical (IMAT), Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Campus do Pici, Fortaleza
  • Maria Elisabeth de Araújo Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Oceanografia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Cidade Universitária, Recife




reef fish, floating area, visual census, community structure


In the south-western Atlantic, several studies using visual census techniques and direct observation were conducted in order to obtein ecological information about reef environments and thus maintain them in a sustainable manner. This context justifies  the present research, the main objectives of which are to catalog the species found on the Maracajaú reefs, to contribute with a management plan for the environmentally protected área of these reefs, understand ecological aspects of fish communities such as abundance, diversity and equitability, as well as to observe the behavior of the species in relation to the presence of tourists and-or divers. Thirty-two visual censuses were conducted using linear transects, in a January and July, 2001. Seventy-nine species were identified belonging to fifty-eight genera and thrirty-sixfamilies. The families with the most species were: Scaridae, Haemulidae and Serranidae. Despite the fact that Harengula clupeola is not very prominent in theses waters, it was found to abound as a result of its ability to form large shoals. Other species in abundance were Haemulon aurolineatum and Stegastes fuscus. The species were classified according to their reaction to the tourists or divers, which ranged from daring, to shy, to indifferent. The act of closely following divers was registered in Lutjanus synagris and Holocentrus adscencionis. Continuation of the studies is recommended in order to evaluate the composition of the community such as the age of individuals and structure in areas with low human interference.





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