Hard substrates macrofauna characterization of Rio Grande do Sul north coast, Brazil


  • Vanessa Ochi Agostini Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Carla Penna Ozorio Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Departamento Interdisciplinar Campus Litoral Norte




benthic community, biofouling, invertebrates, hard substrate, zonation.


This work aimed to perform a qualitative survey and to describe a zoning of the fouling, sedentary, and vagile organisms on different hard substrates in the north coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, contributing to the knowledge of the subtropical marine biodiversity. The records of the species were made through a search of the specific literature and observations, as well as monthly collections on natural (rocky shore) and artificial (piers, platforms, monoboys) hard substrates from March 2010 to June 2011, totaling 16 months. In total, 160 invertebrate species associated to hard substrates for RS in the literature and 83 species from field survey were recorded, being 42.2% of the species on rocky shore of Praia do Meio, Torres; 24.1% on breakwater of Imbé-Tramandaí and Torres; 45.8% on pillars of the Cidreira, Tramandaí and Atlântida fishing platforms, and 72.3% on pipeline MN-601 and MN-602 monoboys structure, Tramandaí. From the exclusive species occurrence, there were higher values for monoboys, followed by fishing platforms, rocky shore and breakwater. As for new records, 34 taxa had not yet been cited for RS.
benthic community, biofouling, invertebrates, hard substrate, zonation.


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