The local ecological knowledge of artisanal fishermen on the marine-coastal elasmobranchs in the Parnaíba delta MPA, northeast of Brazil


  • Georgia Aragão Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Gilvana Pessoa Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Jorge Eduardo Kotas CEPSUL
  • Henry Spach Universidade Federal do Paraná



Traditional ecological knowledge consists of the way in which traditional populations appropriate and use natural resources. Based on this, it was tried to interpret the knowledge and perceptions of artisanal fishermen from the Parnaíba Delta MPA about the ecological aspects of elasmobranchs and the conservation of this group. To comply the goal, 100 semi-structured interviews were applied. The results from the local knowledge records indicated the occurrence of.eight species of rays and nine of sharks. Incidental fishing for rays and sharks occurs throughout the year, including endangered species. Despite this, the fishermen demonstrated to understand about the importance of the conservation of this group. The data obtained indicated an association between traditional ecological knowledge and the scientific literature. In addition, the data suggest the need for immediate intervention in the surveillance of landings and educational campaigns in the region, as the capture of endangered species (i.e., Ginglymostoma cirratum) occurs. The work with traditional communities can contribute to research and participatory management of fisheries.
Keywords: traditional people, sharks, rays, extractivism.


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