Environmental conflicts related to artisanal fisheries in the brazilian coast


  • Juliana Conti Hübner Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG
  • Kelen Rodrigues da Veiga Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG
  • Andrine da Silva Longaray Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG
  • Gracieli Trentin FURG
  • Liandra Peres Caldasso Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG
  • Márcia Borges Umpierre Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG
  • Tatiana Walter Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG




This work aimed to identify and map the environmental conflicts that encompass the artisanal fishing community in the Brazilian coastal zone, in order to provide greater visibility to the socialactors victimized by environmental inequality and injustice in favor of economic projects. For this analysis data from the Map of Conflicts and Environmental Injustice in Health in Brazil elaborated by Fiocruz were used, in order to systematize a methodological proposal focused on the fishing community in the Brazilian coastal zone, in order to provide greater visibility to the socialconflicts present in the coastal states of the country and related to artisanal fishing. The results indicate the states of Bahia (14), Ceará (12) and Rio de Janeiro (9) to be the ones with the largest number of fishing related conflicts. Among the main economic activities that generate conflict in artisanal fishing are the chemical and oil/gas industry (35,62%), ports and shipyards (32,88%) – predominant in the south and southeastern regions –, tourism (30,14%) and fishing and shrimp farming activities (24.66%) – with higher incidence in the north and northeastern regions of the country.

Keywords: environmental conflicts, artisanal fishing, coastal zone, environmental management,
social vulnerability.

