On the family Epitoniidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in North and Northeast Brazil


  • Francisca Mariana Rufino de Oliveira Graduanda em Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Cristina de Almeida Rocha Barreira Professora, Laboratório de Zoobentos, Instituto de Ciências do Mar, Universidade Federal do Ceará




Epitonidae, gastropods, occurrence report, continental shelf, North and Northeast Brazil.


The family Epitoniidae is very well distribuited worldwide. Samples of these micromolluscs were conducted through dredgings performed by the Oceanography Commissions GEOMAR II/III, ITAMARACÁ and CANOPUS, and by manual collections on Ceará State beaches. Overall, 87 individuals and 18 species of epitonid were identifi ed for the northern and northeastern coasts of Brazil: Epitonium angulatum, Epitonium humpheysii, Epitonium krebsi, Epitonium unifasciatum, Epitonium occidentale, Epitonium candeanum, Epitonium denticulatum, Epitonium novanglie, Epitonium echinaticostum, Epitonium nautlae, Epitonium babylonia, Epitonium turritellulum, Amaea retifera, Cirsotrema pilsbryi, Cylindriscala watsoni, Opalia pumilio, Opalia crenata. The distribution of Epitonium krebsi, Epitonium echinaticostum, Cilindriscala watsoni, Epitonium nautlae and Opalia crenata had their limits extended to northern Brazilian states, namely Amapá and Pará. The species Epitonium occidentale, Epitonium humpheysii and Epitonium babylonia had their limits of distribution extended to Brazilian northeastern states of Ceará and Pernambuco. Epitonium turritellulum had a fi rst report for the Brazilian coast at Amapá State. The increase of the number of reports in this paper is due to the scarcity of previous studies about the mollusca fauna for the studied area.





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