The Malacological Collection of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)


  • Sonia Barbosa dos Santos Professora Associada, Laboratório de Malacologia Límnica e Terrestre, UERJ.
  • Maria Regiana Salgado de Mello Bolsista Proatec. Laboratório de Malacologia Límnica e Terrestre, UERJ.



mollusk collection, scientific collection, Mollusca


This paper deals with the state-of-the-art of the Malacological Collection of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Col. Mol. UERJ). Created in 1986, the collection has grown following the researches developed by the Laboratory of Malacology. The collection show 11,103 lots deposited at the time, totaling more than 98,000 specimens, considering shells, soft tissue and tissue samples for molecular biology. It is recognized since 2004 as a faithful depository by the Ministry of Environment (MMA). It is now in the process of formal institutionalization by UERJ. Gastropoda and Bivalvia are the best represented classes, corresponding to 99% of the collection. We can conclude that it is a systematic collection, as it is not restricted to be used only by the researcher and students involved; it is a collection of research because it growth reflects the activities carried out by the teacher/researcher; it is a collection of reference, because it houses representative samples of a set of species from a region, as is the case of Ilha Grande, in addition to samples from projects, and to provide support to ecological projects that require identification of specimens.





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