Organotin compounds: effects on the marine fauna – a review


  • Ítalo Braga de Castro Doutorando do PPG em Oceanografia Física, Química e Geológica da FURG
  • Liana Rodrigues Queiroz Mestranda do PPG em Oceanografia Biológica da FURG.
  • Cristina de Almeida Rocha Barreira Doutora em Oceanografia Biológica, Coordenadora do Laboratório de Zoobentos do Instituto de Ciências do Mar (Labomar/ UFC) Fortaleza, CE, Brasil.



organotin compounds, marine organisms, pollution


The organotin compounds are used since the1970’s in antifouling paints applied in ships. In the 1980’s the toxic  effects of these compounds were detected in oyster  Crassostrea gigas cultivated at Arcachon Bay, France. Since then,  many organisms around the world have shown the symptoms of this kind of contamination. The present study tried to  catalogue most of the marine organisms identi fi ed down to genus or species levels species that, in some way, are affected  by organotin compounds and ascertain their occurrence in Brazil. A total of 254 species were identi fi ed among various  taxa which undergo changes when exposed to this kind of contamination. Out of those species, 55 belong to genera that are  classi fi ed into the Brazilian fauna. It is expected, with this review, that the national scientific community becomes aware  of the issues inherent in the contamination by organotin compounds.





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