Influence of the stormwater drain system as a factor of the seashore pollution


  • Regine Helena Silva dos Fernandes Vieira Laboratório de Microbiologia Ambiental e do Pescado, Instituto de Ciências do Mar - Universidade Federal do Ceará. Av. da Abolição 3207, Fortaleza, CE 60165-081.
  • Sandra Carla Oliveira do Nascimento Bolsista de graduação do Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa-CNPq.
  • Francisca Gleire Rodrigues de Menezes Mestranda de Ciências Marinha Tropical- Instituto de Ciências do Mar - Universidade Federal do Ceará.
  • Susy Margella Melo do Nascimento Mestre em Tecnologia de Alimentos- Universidade Federal do Ceará;
  • Luiz Henrique Lima de Lucena Estudante de Graduação em Engenharia de Pesca- Universidade Federal do Ceará



Though stormwater drainage systems are intended solely to drain the city‘s rainwater runoff, in many cases irregular sewage drainages are connected to them. The drainage of this organic matter directly into the sea causes a point source contamination over


Though stormwater drainage systems are intended solely to drain the city‘s rainwater runoff, in many cases irregular sewage drainages are connected to them. The drainage of this organic matter directly into the sea causes a point source contamination over the coastal area of Fortaleza, State of Ceará, Brazil. This study aims to assess the degree of fecal contamination of the outcoming waters of two rainwater drainage galleries, one of them located in front of the Sao Pedro church, in the Mucuripe neighborhood, and the second one in Meireles beach. Furthermore, the sands affected by the water outfall and the nearby marine waters were also tested for fecal contamination.





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