The evaluation of the impact of employment policies in Argentina
evaluation - public policies - employment - impactAbstract
This article analyzes governmental evaluation of the impact of employment policies in Argentina. The country's financialand economic turbulence is currently causing deterioration in public sector accounts. For this reason, employment policies havebecome the axis of debate of governments and objects of study in the social sciences. With the establishment, in December 2015,of a new government led by Mauricio Macri, a series of liberal economic policies and programs have been implemented, with littleattention given either to legal rights, or to environmental and particularly social factors.Under the previous governments of Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, policies aimed at social protection had beenimplemented and workers' rights had been reinforced. Consequently, this research allows us to compare and analyze in the first place,the impact of economic policies in the field of employment, secondly, the political arguments employed to justify the new policies, andthirdly, how governments have evaluated the success of their policies. The important research question that arises is therefore theplace that the evaluation of public policies has occupied in governmental agendas.
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