Challenges and learning in the institutionalization of an evaluation system in a federal university


  • Marcos Vinicius Pó


evaluation, evaluation systems, higher education, higher education institutions


The present article aims to bring analytical reflections about the author 's experience in the process of building anevaluation system and its imbrications with the institutional development. This article was written as a basis to support the author'sparticipation in the Advanced Course on Evaluation of Policies, Programs and Services promoted by the UNIFESP Health EvaluationLaboratory and structured to answer the guiding questions: "Why do I evaluate?", "How do I evaluatet?" and "What did I learn whenevaluating?". Starting from the legal demand for systems of evaluation in Higher Education Institutions and the analysis of theirconfigurations and possibilities in the case of UFABC, we conclude that it is crucial to have personnel dedicated to the subject and thesupport of the higher management for the process to become a formal system of evaluation.

Author Biography

Marcos Vinicius Pó

Universidade Federal do ABC – UFABC


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