The representation of the north american public sphere in the autobiography of Emma Goldman


  • Nilciana Alves Martins


Emma Goldman, The Public Sphere, History of women.


The main objective of this article is to investigate what was the critical interpretation that anarchist and feminist Emma Goldman (1869-1940) elaborated with regard to the selective American public sphere in her autobiography Living My Life Published for the first time in 1931. In this sense, we will analyze what were the subjects that, according to Goldman, were portrayed and, in a sense,  judged by the North American public sphere in the last decades of the XIX and in the early twentieth century, as well as what was the critical perspective of Anarchist in relation to this media representation. In order to accomplish this task, we
dialogue with studies linked not only to the history of women, but also to those related to the public sphere of the midcenturies and, of course, with the methodology that reflects on the writings of oneself.



How to Cite

Martins, N. A. (2020). The representation of the north american public sphere in the autobiography of Emma Goldman. Em Perspectiva, 6(1), 171–190. Retrieved from



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