
  • Godwin Onuoha Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Pretoria, South Africa


Pluralidade, Neoliberalismo, África, Democracia


This paper draws on the contrasting experiences of Nigeria and South Africa to explore some interesting parallels in the transition to democracy in contemporary Africa. Undoubtedly, several issues have been raised regarding the representative and multi-party democracy in Nigeria and South Africa. This is in view of the fact both countries flaunt their democratic credentials, aspire for continental leadership and possess continental dreams inspired by differing visions that are popular, participatory and inclusive. Yet, Nigeria and South Africa are two of Africa’s most divided countries, and the advent of their respective democratic dispensations indicate that the democracy in place today is initiated in line with a neoliberal agenda, and has so far failed to produce the desired outcomes.

Author Biography

Godwin Onuoha, Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Pretoria, South Africa

African Research Fellow in the Democracy, Governance and Service Delivery (DGSD) programme of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Pretoria, South Africa.


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Doutrina Estrangeira