Cinema, subjectivity, and society: the seventh art in the production of knowledge. An experience at the Federal University of São Paulo
Cinema, subjectivity, society, culture.Abstract
The extension project “Cinema, Subjectivity and Society: the seventh art in the production of knowledge”, on the campus Santos, in Federal University of São Paulo, uses the cinematic language in the investigation of phenomena connected with the different subjective configurations present in contemporary times. Activities are developed in partnership with several projects of the university and devices in town. The project seeks to address relevant issues, understanding cinema as an important methodological tool in questioning of concepts that the subject has of itself and its socio-cultural and political environment. There are several techniques: participatory construction of teaching strategies, qualitative research and extension; filmic research; film screenings and debates with guests; production of audiovisual. This article aims to address how the proposed activities have been able to achieve their goals and the results show concern for social issues such as public education, human rights and social movements, in a cross-disciplinary dimension and partnerships with community initiatives. The findings point to the possibility of new epistemic production methods in conjunction with the audiovisual language, attesting the power of cinema in the production of knowledge and its ability to mobilize around multiple themes.Downloads
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