Psychometric evidence of the future expectancy scale in reduced version


  • Nilton S. Formiga Faculdade Internacional da Paraíba/Laureate International Universities / Professor
  • Luis Felipe de Oliveira Fleury Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro / Aluno
  • Marcos Aguiar de Souza Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro / Professor


Future Expectancy, Reduced scale, Confirmatory analysis.


The future expectancy concerns the preparation of plans, aspirations and fears in relation to various aspects of life in the near or distant future; It is believed that studies of this construct are rather relevant in which the image that is made of the future results in influencing both groups and individuals behavior in present. In Brazil, the scale has revealed statistical indicators that confirmed the existence of three factors: Society Conditions, Professional and Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment; however, there were some limits in this study (e.g., from a lack of statistical options of the classical theory – TCT, from psychometric studies to insufficient factor scores, which hinder the association item-factor). This study aims to assess the consistency of the factorial organization contemplating the TCT and modern statistics. The study included 500 subjects, men and women (students and the general population) of the city of Seropédica - RJ and João Pessoa - PB, ages ranging from 18-65 years old and they responded to the Future Expectancy Scale and also to socio-demographic data. Through TCT, there were indicators that suggested the reduction of the scale, which was proven in the confirmatory analysis.


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Author Biographies

Nilton S. Formiga, Faculdade Internacional da Paraíba/Laureate International Universities / Professor

Doutor em Psicologia Social pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Atualmente é professor do na Faculdade Internacional da Paraíba/Laureate International Universities

Luis Felipe de Oliveira Fleury, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro / Aluno

Aluno do curso de psicologia na Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro e bolsista do CNPq

Marcos Aguiar de Souza, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro / Professor

Doutor em Psicologia. Professor Associado do Departamento de Psicologia e do Mestrado em psicologia, na Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Coordenador do projeto.


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How to Cite

Formiga, N. S., Fleury, L. F. de O., & de Souza, M. A. (2015). Psychometric evidence of the future expectancy scale in reduced version. Journal of Psychology, 6(1), 19–32. Retrieved from


