Leadership and personality: reflections on psychic suffering at work



Leadership, psychic suffering, personality, organization of work.


The present article is a theoretical study on leadership, personality and psychic suffering at work based on the work of Chisthophe Dejours. The current scenario of the world of work and the idealized demands for the occupation of leadership positions together with the psychic structuring of the subject are facilitators for the emergence of psychic suffering at work. The changes in work caused by the speed of technology, speed of information, globalization of the economy and unemployment are present in the life of the leaders in the organizations. The leader is required to be prepared to deal with these changes and coexist with uncertainties that are favorable to the onset of anxiety and decreased self-esteem.The professional profile demanded by the organizations for the leaders contains high requirements of professional skills and competences besides pressures on results, the ability to decide and to live with constant unemployment threats. These demands of work organization are triggering factors for psychic suffering. Another factor contributing to the onset of psychic suffering concerns the subject's life history and personality traits. Exercising leadership positions may according to the organization of the work and the personality of the leader cause psychic suffering and further studies on this subject are necessary.


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Author Biography

Adriana Maria Gurgel Gomes, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Psicologa pela Universidade Federal do Ceará - 1994

Mestre em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará

Atua na área de Psicologia ORganizacional e do Trabalho tendo título de especialista



Vários aspectos da administração ou do gerenciamento impõem poderosas forças regressivas ao funcionamento psicológico do administrador. Dentre estes se encontram a solidão de seu posto, a perda do feedback espontâneo e descompromissado de seus pares e a incerteza que acompanha a tomada de decisões importantes {...} O líder organizacional situa-se no centro de poder de forças agressivas que interferem em sua capacidade funcionar. Essas forças incluem os próprios anseios agressivos internos, a capacidade de sublimar à própria agressão nas tarefas de liderança, os esforços no sentido de resistir à agressão nele projetada e sua capacidade de tomar decisões sob condições de incerteza (p.67-149).

Kernerberg (2000)



How to Cite

Gurgel Gomes, A. M. (2017). Leadership and personality: reflections on psychic suffering at work. Journal of Psychology, 8(2), 83–91. Retrieved from http://periodicos.ufc.br/psicologiaufc/article/view/19295