Factorial structure modeling and internal consistence in the Rosenberg self-esteem scale in brazilian teenagers
Self-esteem, Teenagers, Structural Modeling, Internal Consistence.Abstract
The self-esteem is the evaluation process of self-concept and must be measured with real and reliable tools. Additionally, the evaluation of that characteristic has been considered an important implement in identification and in prevention of psychological problems. It was objective of this work to perform in more robust way, through Confirmatory Factor Analysis and an analysis of Structural Equation Modeling made based in Amos Graphics, the factorial structure of the scale of self-esteem, created by Rosenberg in different age line samples from 12 to 20 years. The sample was composed by 1864 subjects, where 49% of these were males and 51% were females. According results obtained in these analyses, the scale of Rosenberg presented statistical indicators that justify its factorial consistence for Brazilians teenagers These indicators corroborate suitability of structure of scale of self-esteem for the sample context analyzed composed by two factors: negative self-esteem and positive self-esteem. Considering the indicators they have proved satisfactoryinthe intervalswhich have beenconsideredacceptablein thecurrent literature.Downloads
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