The economic and environmental contemporary context and the new perspectives for management
I am going to share with you the result of my current reflection on the panorama of the world economy, and especially what much is said about economics, administration, organizational psychology and related topics. For me there is a paradox, while chaos reigns in this world, one can speak of chaos, and, on the other hand, although there have never been so many graduates in administration on this planet, the world has not been prevented from experiencing such a bad time global management. You could say you've never witnessed this before. This is a very strange correlation. This leads us to wonder why we have so many graduates in management and everything is so mismanaged. The answer to this question is something that relates to the idea that the place where one must work very hard and urgently to change many things in the world is at the level of economics at the level of economic thought because neoliberal dominant economic thinking is giving a sense, a path, a conception, a paradigm to all other disciplines, especially to the administration and related sciences such as industrial psychology, organizational psychology, organizational behavior, etc. (...)Downloads
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How to Cite
Aktouf, O. (2016). The economic and environmental contemporary context and the new perspectives for management. Journal of Psychology, 6(2), 118–130. Retrieved from