An abandoned palace: a study on childhood psychosis
Psychosis, clinic, transference, childhood, case study.Abstract
In the domain of the theoretical production in Psychoanalysis, there is a wide field of ruminations about childhood psychosis’ manifestations and its consequences to the clinical practice. The following work aims to discuss a clinical case of childhood psychosis, taking as landmarks the questions related to the transference. The psychoanalytical concepts of subject’s constitution and its relations to the clinical practice were briefly discussed for the purpose of highlighting the particularities of the case, in order to approximate or to distinguish them from the existing theoretical concepts on childhood psychosis. According to the case studied, one concludes that the structural delineation allowed a treatment’s handling, which made possible to insert the subject into the transference and thus made possible the treatment itself. The background of this case study’s writting is the experience at Núcleo de Atenção a Crianças e Adolescentes (NAIA) from Professor Frota Pinto Mental Hospital in Fortaleza, Ceará, where the author has been responsible for the psychoanalytical oriented treatment of a child, who has received a psychiatrical diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia.Downloads
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