Considerations on the analysis of the category ‘belonging’ in migrant families
Migration, Family, Belonging, SocionomyAbstract
The paper presents the author’s doctoral research, “Migrant family affection: a Sociodramatic study” (UnB, 2008), whose main objective was understanding the internal reorganization (‘familility’) and social belonging of families who migrated from northeastern Brazil (Ceará) to the Brazilian capital (Brasilia), for professional reasons. The research was based on the conceptual framework and methodological proposal of Socionomy (Jacob Levy Moreno), which have been an important tool for analysis of groups in the process of transformation. The subjects were two families of middle socioeconomic class, who participated in four sessions of thematic Sociodrama in group: 1. Dynamics of belongings and idealized family images, 2. Historical drama (drawing) of the migration, 3. Sociometry of the migration, 4. Future perspectives of the migrant family. This study aims to: 1. introduce the main concepts that guided the problematics of research; 2. discuss the scope of Sociodrama as a qualitative research method; 3. display the table “belonging analysis”, presented in discussion of the thesis, from the critical aspects of the experience of the group; 4. stablish common elements for the investigation of new contemporary migratory movements in Brazil and the world.Downloads
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