Studies in political psychology - PÓLIS


  • Antonio Caubi Ribeiro Tupinambá Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Raquel L. Feitosa Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Lucas Gomes Alves Universidade Federal do Ceará


Secularism, human Emancipation, Freedoms, Political Psychology.


The current project is built within the work, social and political relation perspectives, introducing the political psychology knowledge area in emancipatory perspective in the academic context of the Federal University of Ceará Brazil via the Psychology Faculty and the Rinepe Project. It focus on political behavior in contemporary societies and the effects of social movements and current politicians about the freedoms and emancipatory processes, and their constraints at the local, national and global scope. It aims to develop an interdisciplinary field of reflection and research and disclosure practice, gathering debates around issues such as social prejudice, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, social movements, social collective violence, power relations, emancipatory movements of peoples and nations, democratic values and authoritarianism, laicism, discourse analysis and ideologies, symbolic universes and institutional practices. In this perspective, the POLIS acts since its formal establishment in 2013, as an extension project. It has a blog to disseminate and update, as well as in its scope were carried out various activities that follow its line of creation, such as lectures to support human and social movements in search of deserved emancipation and human liberation, as well as theoretical studies and construction for foundation of its activities.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Caubi Ribeiro Tupinambá, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Professor titular do Departamento de Psicologia – UFC. Coordenador do Pólis. Email: tupinambá

Raquel L. Feitosa, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Mestre em Psicologia pela UFC e membro do Pólis.

Lucas Gomes Alves, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Estudante de graduação em Administração – FEAAC – UFC e membro do Pólis.


Chomsky, N. (2012). Occupy. Londres: Penguin


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Tupinambá, A. C. R. (2013). Tibete independente:

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Tupinambá, A. C. R. (2012). Um convite à

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Tupinambá, A. C. R. (2004). Timor do Sol

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Waldman, M.; Serrano, C. Brava gente de

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Xamã, 1997.



How to Cite

Tupinambá, A. C. R., Feitosa, R. L., & Alves, L. G. (2016). Studies in political psychology - PÓLIS. Journal of Psychology, 7(1), 266–273. Retrieved from



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