NUCED: 12 years promoting actions of care and ethical formation of psychology students
Nuced, Harm Reduction, Teaching, Research, ExtensionAbstract
The Drug Studies Center, called NUCED, part of to the Psychology Department of the Federal University of Ceará, founded in 2004, has worked in training students of psychology course to awakening them to the care of themselves and others, such as harm reduction actions (RD). In this work we seek to present the teaching work, research and extension carried out by NUCED, based in the inclusion of welcoming and not prohibitionist practices in the health field. Therefore, we stand in favor of strategic actions that corroborate with the “anti-asylum struggle”, we are against compulsory admissions, such as any discrimination of drug users. We encourage health actions that strengthen ties in the art of the meeting to reinvent our lives. The NUCED promotes transdisciplinary practices, promoting health and caring for yourself in the academic community and the general population, expanding the training curriculum of the students, encouraging them to develop studies and actions based on comprehensive health care.Downloads
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