Managerial Cognitions Regarding Innovative Managerial Practices and People Management




The general objective of this research is to analyze the context of people management and managerial innovation in a communication company, through the perception of its managers. The following specific objectives were established: identify changes in the area of people management, analyze the perception of managers regarding managerial actions that indicate innovation and analyze the relationship between the context of people management and managerial innovation. The methodology used for data collection was qualitative, with the application of semi-structured interviews in 6 managers, all in high positions of management within the company. For the analysis of the results, content analysis was performed. The managerial cognitions revealed that the innovations are present in the actions of managers and in the process of people management of the company. Also, it was observed the need to align the internal arrangements of the company in order to enable the achievement of the expectations of its stakeholders. This article seeks to collaborate in the way managers can implement practices that promote the evolution of people management in the organization and stimulate the creation of managerial innovations. This adds to the better understanding of the managerial dynamics of a communication company, which faces the challenge of producing value information for customers and staying competitive in the market.


Author Biography

Ana Paula Moreno Pinho, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal da Bahia

FEAAC - Faculdde de Economia, Administração, Atuária e Contabilidade

Departamento de Administração


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How to Cite

Pinho, A. P. M., Silva, M. R. ., & Ramos, N. . (2020). Managerial Cognitions Regarding Innovative Managerial Practices and People Management . Journal of Psychology, 11(1), 66–80.