Production of meanings and sexuality in youth: an account of experience




This article presents an experience on social psychology, conducted with approximately 80 young people, ranging from 14 to 19 years of age. The activities were carried out through thematic modules and the present production will focus on the thematic meeting that addressed issues related to sexuality in youth. As a methodology for conducting the meeting, we approach the issues with the help of audiovisual resources and psychoeducational dynamics, thus, it is possible to direct the meeting according to the doubts and concerns of the young people themselves. Most of the participants stated that sexuality is treated differently for men and women. It was also possible to see the blame of the woman for an unplanned pregnancy. Moreover, many young people do not perceive pregnancy in adolescence not as something only negative, but as an enabler of the restructuring of experiences. Sexuality in youth has shown itself to be an element that produces gendered identity. It is understood here, the importance of expanding discussions on the themes considering the analytical markers of gender and generation, thereby giving way to conservative morals that lead to the perpetuation of inequalities between men and women.


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How to Cite

Maffioleti, C., & Ilka Jacinto Salvaro, G. . (2021). Production of meanings and sexuality in youth: an account of experience. Journal of Psychology, 12(1), 156–163.