Learning and guidance after errors in entrepreneurs of the gastronomy branch in Fortaleza-CE
Apprenticeships, guidance by errors, entrepreneurial profile, business successAbstract
Based on studies of success and business failure the entrepreneurial subject takes its place of importance, specifically on the ability to learn from mistakes. Considering the learning factor by errors as academically understudied factor and then of little importance in the entrepreneurial profile, the research aims to answer the starting problem: which learnings from errors are reported by the entrepreneurs as well as their attitude towards mistakes. Qualitative and exploratory nature, the research focused on investigating the entrepreneurs of the restaurant business at the gastronomic area of Fortaleza, in regard to their learning capacity and potential from mistakes. It was based on the theory of M. Frese about orientation after Errors and the Significant Learning by D. Ausubel. The results showed that they have a Guidance posture after mistakes and learning related to the areas of people management and customer serviceDownloads
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