Reports of fibromyalgic women: group as a strategy for health promotion
Fibromyalgia, health promotion, group activities, women, multiprofesional atention.Abstract
Persistent chronic pains, associated with physical and psychosocial changes, intensify the suffering on the fibromyalgia syndrome and adversely affect the quality of life and personal, social and family relationships. This study aimed to understand the experiences, perceptions and experiences of fibromyalgia in a group of women with fibromyalgia, and also aimed to investigate whether the group activities brought some contribution to these women. Participated in this study 11 women aged 25-60 years that were met in a physiotherapist clinic in a higher school institution in one city of MG, Brazil. Two criteria were taken into account: the clinical diagnosis of fibromyalgia, according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria, and cognitive ability to answer the questionnaires. Two interviews were conducted, one at the beginning and the other at the end of the study. It was noted unfavorable implications of fibromyalgia in the activities of daily living, social and family life. At the end there were reports that considered the group work as a positive experience for coping with chronic fibromyalgia frame. The data suggest the contribution of group activities for health promotion and emphasize the importance of implementing and maintaining programs to assist these women in coping with fibromyalgia.Downloads
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