Virtual games: Reproducing gender duality through feminine stereotypes
Gender, stereotype, virtual games, feminine, socialization.Abstract
This paper analyzes the reproduction of gender stereotypes in a virtual media. The research analyzed 348 online games created especially for the “female sex”. The authors discuss gender as a concept that problematizes the naturalization of women. The paper also highlights the concepts of stereotype, socialization and play to argue that feminine roles are defined through a complex relation between individual and society. Analyzing online games revealed that a leisure device that is presented as neutral, ultimately contributes to produce subjectivities that reproduce classical stereotypes about girls or women. The technology evolves, but rigid sexual divisions are repeated. Support: CNPq.Downloads
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How to Cite
Machado, L. de A., & Lacerda Jr, F. (2013). Virtual games: Reproducing gender duality through feminine stereotypes. Journal of Psychology, 4(1), 97–111. Retrieved from