Romantic jealousy: a brief historical, views, correlated conceptions and their correlated developments to the love relatioships


  • Thiago Almeida
  • Maria Luiza Lourenço


Romantic jealousy, interpersonal relationships, love, love relationships.


What is jealousy? Is there a story for it? Since ancient times we find countless authors and understandings that have focused on these issues. Unfortunately, what can really be observed is that the theoretical understandings focuses almost entirely on the clinical, psychiatric and ‘individual’ aspects of jealousy, as if it were possible to isolate the individual from its context that not only surrounds it as it is commonly believed but, more than that, constitutes it. The purpose of this article, while being a bibliographic review, is to promote a debate and analyze the impacts of jealousy over the everyday love relationships. For this, we seek to answer the following question: in which way jealousy, present in some relationships between men and women, can be understood in face of the transformations that society is undergoing and of the characteristics of contemporary amorous coexistence? Such survey observed that jealousy is not a contemporary experience. On the contrary, it is an ancient feeling, timeless, which follows through different ages and contexts of the human history.


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Author Biographies

Thiago Almeida

Psicólogo pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Mestre pelo Departamento de Psicologia Experimental do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Professor substituto pelo Instituto Taquaritinguense do Ensino Superior.

Maria Luiza Lourenço

Bacharel em Biblioteconomia pela Faculdade de Biblioteconomia e Documentação



How to Cite

Almeida, T., & Lourenço, M. L. (2011). Romantic jealousy: a brief historical, views, correlated conceptions and their correlated developments to the love relatioships. Journal of Psychology, 2(2), 18–32. Retrieved from


