Alice’s adventures in the intelectual’s land


  • William Melo
  • Jonathan Félix
  • Leandro Mangia
  • Marcelle Fraga
  • Guilherme Marques


Academic field, metaphorical language, Brazilian intellectuals, contemporary.


This work is an analogy of the academic world to Wonderland, created by Lewis Carroll. To this end, we have used the metaphorical language to describe conflicts and weaknesses existing in the reality of many of brazilian intellectuals. The theoretical basis developed in this article will be composed of references from critical social theory and critical analysis from the academic field. Taking its inspiration from the epistemological work of this field of knowledge, our proposal is to establish the interface between reality and fantasy, establishing logical connections with concept used by authors such as Bourdieu, Gramsci, Adorno, Marx, Weber, Durkheim, among others. The aim of this paper is to rethink the academic space in the contemporary. For this, we advocate that the basic task of practical theory of education is to facilitate the emancipation of man. This proposal aims to confront the view of some authors who argue that the emancipation will take place before by the clarification of the masses, and not by self knowledge.


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Author Biographies

William Melo

Msc. Administração Pública – FGV/RJ

Jonathan Félix

Mestrando em Administração Pública – FGV/RJ

Leandro Mangia

Graduado em Ciências Sociais – UFF

Marcelle Fraga

Graduada em Direito e Graduanda em Geografia – UFF

Guilherme Marques

Graduando em Ciências Sociais – FGV/RJ



How to Cite

Melo, W., Félix, J., Mangia, L., Fraga, M., & Marques, G. (2011). Alice’s adventures in the intelectual’s land. Journal of Psychology, 2(2), 33–43. Retrieved from


