Researching in the field of psychology: some reflections


  • Idonézia Collodel Benetti Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)


Qualitative research, quantitative research, Psychology, Reflections


The present work, which is bibliographic in nature, intend to delineate some reflections about research in Psychology, focusing on issues that involve quantitative and qualitative analysis in the social sciences, including the psychological field, since there is a movement in favor of the concomitant use of these two types of analysis, instead of isolated paradigms, signalizing greater breadth of information that the use of multimodal techniques can offer. The objective is to illustrate the research subject in a didactic manner, in order to promote a better understanding, especially for those who are starting in this area of knowledge.


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Author Biography

Idonézia Collodel Benetti, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Florianópolis – SC. Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas - Campus Universitário – Trindade – Florianópolis – SC

How to Cite

Benetti, I. C. (2014). Researching in the field of psychology: some reflections. Journal of Psychology, 5(1), 132–138. Retrieved from


