Institutional actions based on nursing diagnoses for preventing falls in the elderly


  • Rafaela Vivian Valcarenghi
  • Silvana Sidney Costa Santos
  • Karina Silveira de Almeida Hammerschmidt
  • Edison Luiz Devos Barlem
  • Giovana Calcagno Gomes
  • Bárbara Tarouco da Silva



Geriatric Assessment, Accidental Falls, Health of Institutionalized Elderly, Geriatric Nursing.


This study aimed to propose institutional actions based on nursing diagnoses for the prevention of falls in the elderly. Qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, with 30 institutionalized senior citizens from Rio Grande, RS, Brazil. During data collection five instruments were applied from March to July 2009. One presents the elderly’s profile; aspects that favored the falls; nursing diagnoses; proposals for institutional actions to prevent falls. The nursing diagnoses were identified: impaired physical mobility, decreased ability to transfer, shower self-care deficit, dressing self-care deficit, impaired environmental interpretation syndrome, chronic confusion, impaired memory; syndrome of stress due to changes; risk of falls, risk of trauma. Through the identification of nursing diagnoses it was possible to make a proposal for institutional actions aimed at preventing falls in the elderly who reside in long-stay institutions.




How to Cite

Valcarenghi, R. V., Santos, S. S. C., Hammerschmidt, K. S. de A., Barlem, E. L. D., Gomes, G. C., & Silva, B. T. da. (2014). Institutional actions based on nursing diagnoses for preventing falls in the elderly. Rev Rene, 15(2).



Research Article