Professional satisfaction of nursing workers from a service of hematology-oncology
Job Satisfaction; Nursing; Occupational Health.Abstract
Objective: to evaluate the level of professional satisfaction of nursing staff from a service of hematology-oncology. Methods: a cross-sectional study was carried out with 46 nursing workers from a service of hematology-oncology. A questionnaire was used with sociodemographic, labor data and the instrument of Professional Satisfaction Index. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Results: the level of job satisfaction found was 11.17, considered low. The most important component among workers in terms of professional satisfaction was interaction (2.96), followed by autonomy (2.93), and the least important was professional status (1.62). Conclusion: it was observed a low index of professional satisfaction of the nursing staff of the service of hematology-oncology. The components interaction and autonomy were considered the most important for job satisfaction.
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