Refletions concerning “the theoretical and methodological bases for the nursing practice” discipline
Education, Nursing, Discipline.Abstract
This exploratory study of the discipline “theoretical and methodological Bases for the Nursing Practice offered in the 1st semester of the Federal University of Ceará Nursing Course. It was objectified to analyze the influence of this discipline due to the student’s development in this course. The data were collected from the 28 questionnaires that were distributed among 28 students and 3 teachers that it were participating in the discipline. The results showed that: the students expected the referred discipline to be na introduction for the course; most of them affirmed to have little difficulty in accompanying the discipline, and their suggestions included hospital visits, male nurses participation to tell its experiences and a better adaptation of the theory to the discipline’s schedule. In relation to the teachers their expectations and objectives were appropriated to the one students’ ones; in relation to the students, the teachers’ expectations were related to the teaching development, researching and extension activities; the difficulties found by the educational ones included the valuation of high notes by the students, and they lack of definition in relation to their professional choice. We concluded that the studied discipline represents a valuable theoretical support for the profession practice, since it configures the base for the student’s development during the course, even thougu we believed that a large interaction both among 1º semester discipline would better contribute to the reaching of teacher and student’s objectives.Published
How to Cite
Nogueira, R. A., Oliveira, J. dos S., Lopes, M. V. de O., & Silva, R. M. da. (2000). Refletions concerning “the theoretical and methodological bases for the nursing practice” discipline. Rev Rene, 1(2). Retrieved from
Research Article