Evidence-based practice: competencies between novice nurses and preceptors in a teaching hospital





Evidence-Based Nursing; Evidence-Based Practice; Hospitals, Teaching.


Objective: to verify competencies for the evidence-based practice between novice nurses and their preceptors. Methods: cross-sectional observational study consisting of non-probabilistic sampling aimed to reach the maximum number of participants. We conducted structured interviews using the Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire to verify competencies. Results: 83.1% of the population (n=104 nurses) participated in the research, most of them were women and young adults. On average, the competencies for evidence-based practice (novices = 4.8, preceptors = 5.0) were moderate. Both groups believe that the use of evidence in practice is essential. However, the critical evaluation of evidence in the daily routine has been little recurrent among them. Professionals found difficulty in setting time at work to seek evidence, especially the beginners (p=0.05). Preceptors presented better computer skills to search for evidence (p=0.043). Conclusion: in general, competencies for evidence-based practice were similar among novice nurses and preceptors.


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How to Cite

Camargo, F. C., Garcia, L. A. A., Rosinha, G. F., Souza Junior, R. M. de, Pereira, G. de A., & Iwamoto, H. H. (2018). Evidence-based practice: competencies between novice nurses and preceptors in a teaching hospital. Rev Rene, 19, e33405. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20181933405



Research Article