Evaluation of vaccination rooms in primary health care units
Health Services Research, Vaccination, Immunization, Immunization Programs.Abstract
Objective: to evaluate the vaccination rooms of primary health care units. Methods: evaluative research, in which the Structure and Process in 89 vaccination rooms of six Regional Health Coordination Centers were evaluated through supervision of vaccine rooms of the Ministry of Health of Brazil. Results: most of the professionals were nursing technicians (76.4%) without training in vaccination (31.5%). In the Evaluation of General Aspects/Technical Procedures, decoration objects (43.8%), absence of bench (22.5%), and insufficient number of vaccines (41.6%) were observed. In the evaluation of the Cold Chain, inadequate cleaning of refrigerators (71.9%) and inappropriate temperatures (48.8%) were found. Conclusion: the evaluation of vaccine rooms showed that the structure of the General Aspects/Technical Procedures and Cold Chain components presented good classification, while the evaluation of the process of these components indicated a regular classification.References
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