Effects of educational intervention on knowledge and attitude on early detection of breast cancer





Knowledge; Attitude; Breast Neoplasms; Secondary Prevention; Motivational Interviewing.


Objective: to compare the knowledge and attitude of women in relation to the early detection of breast cancer, before and after the application of educational intervention. Methods: a quasi-experimental study was conducted with 91 women. Through the application of educational intervention, women were divided into four groups of health education. The educational material used was an informative folder on the early detection of breast cancer, associated to the brief motivational interview technique. Results: the educational intervention associated to the brief motivational interview promoted an increase in the adequacy of knowledge (p=0.001) and attitude (p=0.007). Conclusion: the educational intervention was able to increase the percentage of adequacy of the knowledge and the attitude of women in relation to the early detection of breast cancer.


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How to Cite

Alves, P. C., Ferreira, I. S., Santos, M. C. L., Almeida, A. O. A. de, & Fernandes, A. F. C. (2019). Effects of educational intervention on knowledge and attitude on early detection of breast cancer. Rev Rene, 20, e40765. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20192040765



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