Historical evolution of: configuration of the nursing team in a military hospital
Nursing; History of Nursing; Military Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to analyze the historical evolution of: configuration of the nursing team in a military hospital. Methods: a social-historical study. Historical sources: Written documents and oral statements given by five military nurses. The collected data were analyzed according to the historical method, after organization and classification. Results: when nurse officers arrive to the Military Police Central Hospital, the team of nurses counted with four civilian nurses and the chief nurse. It had 170 health sergeants and soldiers and 304 civil servants (nursing technicians and auxiliaries). Medium-level professionals who already belonged to the corporation mostly performed nursing care. Conclusion: the nurse officers faced work overload, in addition to the difficulties with the military staff of lower categories, regarding the compliance of the hierarchy that caused some conflicts, because of power disputes, in a misogynist environment.
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