Adverse drug reactions in pediatric unit: knowledge of nursing team


  • Luciana Rodrigues da Silva
  • Tathiana Silva de Souza Martins
  • Zenith Rosa Silvino
  • Liliane Pinheiro de Mello
  • Marina Andrade de Castro
  • Érica Nascimento Menezes de Andrade


Pediatric nursing, drug tolerance, nursing care.


Drugs are the first-order elements that constitute powerful tools for alleviating human suffering. On the other hand, it may increase the costs of health care if used improperly and/or lead to the occurrence of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge of nursing staff regarding the ADRs in the pediatric unit of a University Hospital. This is a field research of exploratory and descriptive kind, with quantitative treatment of data. The results show that the nursing staff believed to be correct to identify and report such adverse events. Fact that it is contradictory to the data collected. It is concluded that the situation portrayed in this study revealed the necessity of offering courses that address the correlation between the signs shown and ADRs, as well as the correct action after the identification of the same, in order to avoid under-reporting of such adverse events.



How to Cite

Silva, L. R. da, Martins, T. S. de S., Silvino, Z. R., Mello, L. P. de, Castro, M. A. de, & Andrade, Érica N. M. de. (2011). Adverse drug reactions in pediatric unit: knowledge of nursing team. Rev Rene, 12(1). Retrieved from



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