Physical activity undergoing angioplasty: development and validation of educational material
Validation Studies; Health Education; Cardiac Rehabilitation.Abstract
Objective: to develop and validate educational material on physical activity for patients undergoing angioplasty. Methods: material was prepared in a booklet format, considering the steps: survey of the literature, textual development relevant to cardiac rehabilitation and creation of illustrations. Six specialists and six participants from the target audience performed the content and appearance validation. A pre-test was carried out with 10 other patients who were awaiting angioplasty. Data analyzed descriptively. Results: the material included instructions and exercises to be performed in all phases of rehabilitation (warm-up, exercises, stretches, relaxation). The evaluators considered the content pertinent and the suggestions on appearance were accepted. Patients, participants in the validation and pre-test, considered that the material would facilitate the understanding of the exercises. Conclusion: the material was considered suitable for use in patients submitted to angioplasty.
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