Prevalence and factors associated with low birth weight in full-term newborns
Risk Factors; Infant, Low Birth Weight; Prevalence; Term Birth; Neonatal Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to estimate the prevalence and verify the factors associated with low birth weight in full-term newborns. Methods: this is a retrospective study conducted with 24,744 newborns. Data were retrieved from the Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos (Information System on Live Births). For the analysis, multiple logistic regression was used using the hierarchical model with maternal, gestational, and care variables. Results: the prevalence of low birth weight was 2.4%, with 51.0% of cases in male newborns, 73.7% in women aged 20-34 years; 56.5% were multiparous and 95.0% had eight years of education or more. In the multiple analysis, the association of low weight with the number of prenatal consultations, newborn’s birth order, and sex were observed. Conclusion: the factors associated with low birth weight in full-term newborns were male sex, multiparity, and less than seven prenatal consultations.
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