Validity of an instrument on Nursing care for people with chronic wounds
Coronavirus Infections; Primary Health Care; Wounds and Injuries; Nursing Care; COVID-19.Abstract
Objective: to build and validate the content of an instrument to investigate changes in the Nursing care provided to people with chronic wounds. Methods: methodological study, consisting of the stages of development and content validity, according to the criteria of clarity and relevance, by six judges, using the Delphi technique in two rounds. A Coefficient of Content Validity ≥ 0.8 was considered adequate. Results: the first version of the instrument contained 15 questions and after the judges’ evaluation it was reduced to 11, addressing the periods before and during the pandemic. In the second round of evaluation, it was verified that the instrument showed a total content validity coefficient equal to 0.96. Conclusion: the instrument showed evidence of content validity and can be used to investigate possible changes resulting from the pandemic of COVID-19 in the Nursing care of people with chronic wounds in Primary Care.
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