Study of urgency admissions focusing on demographic-epidemiology in a public hospital


  • Fernanda de Paula Rossini
  • Clarice Aparecida Ferraz


Epidemiology. Demography. Hospital management. Health Evaluation.


This is an exploratory, retrospective study focused on secondary data analysis. The purpose is to characterize the socio-demographic profile and morbidity of patients admitted, from November 1999 to 2005, in the internal medicine ward of a public teaching hospital institution, responsible for high complexity urgency/emergency care. Results show that the change in patient admission flow caused a gradual reduction in hospitalizations. The number of elderly patients was above 40%. It reached 48.3% in 2000, and there was a reduction in 2004 and 2005. The main diagnosis included circulatory system diseas­es, respiratory diseases, infectious and parasitic diseases, as well as digestive system diseases. It was observed that there is an increase in the percentage of patients with diagnosis of neoplasia, blood diseases, hematopoietic organ diseases, immunity disorders, and cases of injuries. There were also cases of poisoning, and other external causes.




Como Citar

Rossini, F. de P., & Ferraz, C. A. (2009). Study of urgency admissions focusing on demographic-epidemiology in a public hospital. Rev Rene, 10(4). Recuperado de



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