Textile Confessional


  • Mariela Yeregui Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero
  • Jacqueline Alvarado
  • Nuria Díaz
  • Hannia Durán
  • Emily Navarro
  • Raquel Navarro
  • Laura Ramírez
  • Noelia Guzmán




Electro-textile, Electro-feminism, Art, Design, Electronics


This article is the memory of the process of the workshop “Textile Confessional” held at Casa Caníbal, in the Cultural Center of Spain in Costa Rica in November 2019. Through a dynamic of sharing personal secrets, we created small pieces of fabrics that give an account of our hidden experiences. Articulating textile techniques (embroidery, patchwork and sewing in general) with simple analogical electronic mechanisms and low tech (LED lights, motors, etc.), each participant created a textile that was then integrated into a collaborative patchwork surface of secrets.



How to Cite

Yeregui, M., Alvarado, J., Díaz, N., Durán, H., Navarro, E., Navarro, R., … Guzmán, N. (2020). Textile Confessional. Revista Vazantes, 4(1), 32–48. https://doi.org/10.36517/vazppgartesufc2020.1.04