MetaRemix; Re-Vinyl Project


  • Marcelo de Campos Velho Birck UFSM



Discos de vinil, Bricolagem, Arte Sonora, Montagem


Both the video Re-Vinyl Project and the audio Meta Remix are based on the reassembly of vinyl records cropped on a laser machine. Re-Vinyl Project shows some of the visual and sound possibilities of the proposal, while Meta Remix explores the boundaries between sound and music, using samples created from the reassembled records. With procedures in which chance plays a central role, these works seek a balance between the casual and the concatenated, between what one sees and / or hears. While greater control and planning is possible in the visual aspect of the recombined discs, there is no way to predict their sounds. The use of loops, created by random juxtaposition of prerecorded materials, aims to challenge the listener to project or not his ideas about what one considers “music”. With continuous repetitions, it is possible to both hear the sounds losing their sense, as also hear the same sample differently at each repetition. As a whole, in both works the idea is to apply the principle of montage to vinyl records, a material that, according to the usual thinking, are not considered editable.



How to Cite

de Campos Velho Birck, M. (2020). MetaRemix; Re-Vinyl Project. Revista Vazantes, 4(2), 271–277.