Oásis do Sertão


  • Jordianne Moreira Guedes Universidade Estadual do Ceará




The proposed video intends to reflect on the composition process and the content of the song Combustível do Sertão, by the singer and composer Jord Guedes, which narrates a journey made by car, departing from Fortaleza, capital of Ceará, Brazil, to the Cariri Region, south of the state, where the Chapada do Araripe is located, a veritable oasis in the outback.  With rhythms characteristic of the culture of the Northeast Region, such as maracatu, baião and coco, and poetics close to cordel literature and embolada, the music has a strong imagery component, as it narrates landscapes seen during the trip, changes in vegetation and in the climate, and movements of people who inhabit the places.  It is a song full of symbolism from the popular culture of the northeast, and from Cariri from Ceará



How to Cite

Moreira Guedes, J. (2021). Oásis do Sertão. Revista Vazantes, 5(1), 272–277. https://doi.org/10.36517/vazppgartesufc2021.1.71120