Sustainability and corporate reputation reports: A look at B3’s public utility sector
sustainability; social responsibility; corporate reputation; public utility; ISI.Abstract
Background: The impacts of companies on the environment have drawn society's attention, emphasizing the importance of corporate sustainability, which can directly influence business reputation. Within this context, the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3), starting in 2012, began recommending that listed companies publish sustainability reports, showcasing their social and environmental actions.
Purpose: The present research aims to analyze the relationship between corporate reputation and the quality level of sustainability reports provided by companies listed on the B3 Stock Exchange, classified under the Public Utility sector, during the period from 2012 to 2023.
Method: Regarding its methods, this research is classified as documentary, as it involved examining sustainability reports published by companies on their "investor relations" channels. As for its purpose, the study is classified as quantitative, as the results were derived from regression analyses using panel data. Furthermore, the sample consisted of 221 elements.
Results: The main results show that the statistical average of relevance surpasses the information credibility indicator, highlighting the importance of these reports for decision-making. Additionally, the independent variables used as proxies for Corporate Governance and Market Analysts demonstrated a significant influence on the relevance of the information. In contrast, only the "Market to Book" variable showed statistical significance in reflecting the credibility of the information.
Conclusions: It can be concluded that companies in the public utility sector can improve the quality of their sustainability reports, including by adopting international practices.
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