Construction and validation of educational technology for the management of preoperative thirst
Thirst; Text Messaging; Validation Study; Perioperative Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to develop and validate images with educational messages for mobile phones to help with the management of preoperative thirst. Methods: methodological study, carried out in three phases: 1) collection of information from patients with preoperative thirst; 2) development of images with educational messages; 3) evidence of the validity of the content and appearance of the images by the experts. The Content Validity Index was calculated and the binomial test was applied. Results: a total of 27 images were produced with educational messages for mobile phones that provide information on thirst, its signs and symptoms, causal factors, methods used to relieve it, and its mechanisms of action. The overall content validity index was 0.96 and the overall appearance validity index was 0.94. Conclusion: images with educational messages for mobile phones are validated in content and appearance. Contributions to practice: are an important resource that will help in the adherence of thirst management.
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