Conceptual analysis of the term antepartum peregrination in the context of maternal and neonatal health
Health Services Accessibility; Birth Setting; Barriers to Access of Health Services; Labor Obstetric; Maternal-Child Health Services; Women's Health Services.Abstract
Objective: to analyze conceptually the term antepartum peregrination in the context of maternal and neonatal health. Methods: this is a conceptual analysis for the term antepartum peregrination involving selection of the concept, definition of objectives, identification of potential uses, determination of attributes, creation of model cases, construction of additional cases, identification of antecedents, consequent analysis and empirical examination of reference. A scoping review was conducted to elucidate the concept using the Virtual Health Library, MEDLINE/PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, EMBASE, CINAHL and Science Direct databases. Results: the concept analysis was performed based on 17 articles which included varied approaches to antepartum peregrination. All studies were conducted in Brazil and defined antepartum peregrination as the search for multiple establishments, search for vacancies, parturient’s route/trajectory, disoriented search and antepartum itinerary. Conclusion: the concept analysis performed showed that antepartum peregrination is the search for perinatal care in several health services. Contributions to practice: this study will enable early identification of risk factors in order to motivate significant changes to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality caused by this problem.
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