Association of functional capacity with risk of falling in the older adults in emergency service




Frail Elderly; Population at Risk; Geriatric Nursing.


Objective: to associate the functional capacity with the risk of falling of the older adults in emergency service. Methods: this is a cross-sectional and analytical study, in which 101 individuals, aged 60 years old and older, of both genders, admitted to the Emergency Department. The Katz and Lawton/Brody scales were used to evaluate functional capacity and, the Downton scale was used for the risk of fallings. The Fisher-Freeman-Halton test was used to associate functional capacity with the risk of falling. Results: 32.7% of the older adults were independent in one function and dependent on five basic functions of daily living, 89.1% were totally dependent on instrumental activities and 64.4% had a high risk of falling. There was no statistically significant association between the Katz, Lawton/Brody, and Downton scales. Conclusion: functional capacity was not associated with the risk of falls in the study population.



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How to Cite

Antunes, J. de F. S., Campanharo, C. R. V., Lopes, M. C. B. T., Batista, R. E. A., & Okuno, M. F. P. (2018). Association of functional capacity with risk of falling in the older adults in emergency service. Rev Rene, 19, e32654.



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