The binomial virtù-fortuna relationship in Machiavelli's ethical and political thought


  • Jorge D. M. Mateus


Machiavelli. Fortuna. Virtù. Prince. State.


The present study represents an effort to deepen and enhance the relationship binomial virtù-fortuna and the key role it plays in Machiavelli’s thought about the sort of society through the action of the prince. On one side the term fortuna, which is immediately related to divine providence and the pagan mythology, instead of representing accidental situations or mere luck, and on the other hand, virtù, the essential capabilities of the prince, the means and excellence that make him act properly in all occasions, according to his own will. The relationship between fortuna and virtù cannot be considered as artificial or arbitrary, a simple result of the changing times. By introducing a cyclical conception of History, Machiavelli emphasizes the importance of events in the pursuit of certain purposes, so the results are the necessary causes of all the prince’s decisions, rather desirable or not. It is thus the prince’s task to enlarge his virtù in order to understand how to act in the new cycle in its concrete time, carefully considering the examples of the past, avoiding the mistakes made by others, outstanding them.




